About this blog

On top of the world after hiking a mountain in upstate New York, right before my world fell apart. 

Welcome to my blog!

My closest friends call me Anna. I grew up in the country, and am a nature gal. I love hiking, camping, and sitting on my back lawn on summer nights listening to crickets and cicadas. I love the smell of fresh cut grass, old tents, old attics and old books. I enjoy drawing, playing piano, and writing poetry. I'm interested in stepping outside of myself and experiencing as much of the world as possible. Living through the eyes of other cultures through travel or reading, stepping into the minds and experiences of others.

I used to teach in a gifted and talented first grade in inner city NYC. I loved it. I thought I was on top of the world... I had worked by the skin of my teeth so hard to finally achieve and tick off the "normal" boxes, such as getting my degree, my dream teaching job, my own apartment, my masters degree, and a great boyfriend. The next step was settling down and maybe starting a family?

And that's when everything fell apart. 

You think you can have all your boxes checked, and that your life can't unravel and go in reverse.

But life can sometimes be fragile, and just one little thing caused all the dominoes in my life to cascade in slow motion into a full collapse. 

I thought it was adrenal fatigue, then chronic fatigue. I took a short leave of absence from my job, then a leave for a year, thinking I would return. But I didn't. I lost my health, my boyfriend, my job, my independence, and my family as well.

I found out that I am two different people. I found out that I was living two different lives. I found out that I have dissasociative amnesia from trauma as a child. I found out that I had no memory of anything that I did, said, or that happened to me from childhood. I found out that there are dark memories of abuse that I couldn't cope with or process as a child. That I subconsciously, without knowing it, tucked away in amnesia until I was safe enough as an adult to process. 

But I also discovered that I have the power to transform my life from the inside out. 
That it doesn't matter As Much what's going on physically as far as a job, career, house, cars, even a family.
What's most important is what's going on inside. 

It doesn't matter what they did, or how they thought I should fail. 

I have the power to heal and transform my own life. 

I am an alchemist. 
I am a phoenix. 
I am that mythical bird that may look like it's dying, or burning in it's own ashes. But is actually coming to life again, stronger and more beautiful than before.

It's been 16 years since my world shattered. I have pulled myself up by the roots to a solid foundation and was able to come back to life quite beautifully for a stretch of time. 
Most recently, I went underground again to confront more of my past, and I am currently undergoing another layer of deep healing even more extensive than my first level of healing. 
Some of the themes I write about include the following: 

                              manifestation,    past lives,    healing from trauma, 

                                        healing from physical illness, 

                  how growing up in a strict, highly isolated patriarchal cult disguised as Christianity

                     which effectively cut me off from the world and modern culture, 

                                    affected my development, 

                                         shaped my views on my own body

                                           affected my view of sexuality, and 

caused me to be innnocent and naive decades longer than most children start earning their street smarts. 

                    I also write about healing modalities I'm using during my inner journey

                                               as well as epiphanies along the way.

I'm currently living in the Pacific Northwest with my partner and our fur kids Sparky, Huckleberry and Sunshine. We have a little cabin in the woods, we live a peaceful, harmonious, laid back life here in the country side. 

This is my journey, as it's been unfolding from 2013 till the present here in 2025. 
I enjoy getting to know my readers and would love if you wrote to share anything on your mind, or just to say hello!  My email is mimsycally@gmail.com.

May you be touched by a spirit of light and love while reading my blog. Namaste!

*Names of family members, friends and acquaintances mentioned in this blog are changed. Even though many of these characters actually want a little time in the public light, I'm giving 'em pseudo names. Hee hee.


  1. I really like your blog. Have suffered from CFS for a while, and somehow push myself through every day. -Jude

    1. I'm so glad you enjoy the blog here! I hope you see much improvement in your health as you go along. Sincerely, AJ

  2. I hope that you are on a continued journey to restoration of physical and spiritual health (I say that loosely since I read that you're unchristian now). I'm out of ATI myself and its a huge challenge to see the wrongness of the "right" way raised, but the freedom in that is wonderful. wishing you peace.

    1. That's awesome you're enjoying the freedom of an opened mind! I haven't written here on the blog in a long time, but my health has been restored about two years ago and I'm now enjoying good health and spiritual freedom... it's amazing! So grateful. Wishing you much peace as well!

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