Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Liquid sunshine

It's Nirvana here, I tell you. Even though it's February, the temps are in the 70's, and it's sunny most every day. There is an orange tree in the back yard here that produces edible oranges. After being washed and cut open, the ripe ones are juicy and bursting with life. It's like drinking liquid sunshine. My body feels so light and incredibly healthy afterwards.

I step off the patio to stretch out in the yard in the morning. The skin feels amazing on my bare skin. I run with Sparky, then lay out in the grass on my back soaking up the earth's energy. Then I do some morning stretches while still barefoot in the yard.

There's a wild Asian Pear Fruit tree in the yard as well. The fruit is oval and peach, an inch and a half long. Tastes like a cross between a pear and kiwi fruit. It's delicious, but the oranges are my favorites.
The orange tree in the sunny back yard...

Glistening oranges, sweet and full of life.

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